How to generate labels
In this article, you will discover the label functionality of Publigo.
What is the label feature?
Publigo's label function allows you to create labels in a single file from multiple rows of data in a Google Spreadsheet.
For example:
You want to create business cards to print for all your employees. The label feature will allow you, from the name, first name, and email address of all employees to have a printable sheet with all business cards
Publigo offers more than 3,000 label designs. The templates are compatible with different standards / label printers (Avery, Zweckform; Herma, SheetLabels ...)
How to use labels?
We will use the example of generating several business cards on a single page to make them easier to print. Here is the data I will use :

1. Open your datasource in Google Sheets. Next, open Publigo > click SELECT TEMPLATE > Label template.

2. Double-click your preferred template to select it.
Our list includes more than 3,000 templates that will suit all your needs. If a template you want is not present in this list, send it to us at
The frequently used models are stored in the "Most popular" folder. Except in specific cases, you should find the template that suits you.
Here we will use the Avery5160 template which allows us to put 30 labels per page.
3. Your chosen template will reflect in the Publigo UI.
Click the template link (or the ✏️ pencil icon) to edit your template.
4. For the merge tags to work, you ONLY need to fill-in the first cell, which is the top left cell.
In our example, I filled in the first box with the data from my business cards.
⚠️Be careful not to change the dimensions of the table. If the dimensions are changed, the template may not be recognized as a label template or the layout may be rendered incorrectly.

5. Back in Publigo on your Google Spreadsheet.
The default settings for labels have been selected by Publigo.
It is imperative that the “Label mode” button is checked. Also, the output format must start with "All rows in one", here we will use the PDF format, so I will select "All rows in one PDF".
📌 Include a note that if the users are going to insert images, that only the In line image wrapping option is supported (will work) to replicate the image. No image will be replicated if the wrapping option chosen is either: Wrap, Break, In front of, or Behind text.
6. Once the parameters are selected click on "Generate the PDF" and wait for the result

7. Below is the final output of our business cards that are ready to print.